Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research

*NEW* Responsible Conduct of Research Training Plan 2025

Case Studies for use with the RCR Training Plan

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Who Needs RECR Training?

Any principal investigator (PI), co-principal investigator and any other person (including faculty, staff and students) who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of New Mexico Tech (NMT) research.

Responsible Conduct of Research Training Database

The Office of Research Compliance and Safety now provides a secure and simple database to verify your RCR training certificates, CITI Training certificates, Research Ethics certificates, etc. By uploading your documents you can receive annual reminders on when to update your training*. 

 RCR Training Database

*Disclaimer: original copies of all your training should also kept on your own devices for easy access. This database is not designed for external retrieval. For questions contact Val Thomas at

CITI Program Training Registration For NM Tech

*NOTICE* CITI Training Modules DO NOT fulfill all investigator annual training requirements and should not be taken more than once every 4 years. Investigators are responsible for documenting and maintaining 8 hours of annual training within those 3 years.
  • Go to CITI Program Training Courses
  • Click on the "Register" 
  • Under "Select Your Organization Affiliation" type in "New Mexico Consortium"
  • Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Click to the box to affirm that you are an affiliate of New Mexico Consortium
  • Click on "Continue to create your CITI Program Username/Password"
  • Once you have created an account, you can view the courses offered through the New Mexico Consortium by clicking on “Learner Tools for New Mexico Consortium”.
  • Select and complete the course(s) you need from the list provided at the bottom of this page.
  • Once you have completed the course(s), make sure you save your training certificate.
  • Include completed training certificates on all IRB Applications and save for various agency training record requirements.

Which Entities Require This Training?

National Science Foundation (NSF)

NMT is committed to providing appropriate training in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF funds.

Updated Requirements: 

Applies to all NEW proposals submitted or due on or after July 31, 2023.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NMT is committed to providing information on appropriate training in the responsible conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NIH funds. 

National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA)

NMT is committed to providing information on appropriate training in the responsible conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NIFA funds. 

Who Needs COI Training & Disclosure?

Any principal investigator (PI), co-principal investigator and any other person (including faculty, staff and students) who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of New Mexico Tech (NMT) research.

In compliance with federal mandates the conflict of interest disclosure requirements applies to all investigators who work on:

  1. Sponsored NMT research 
  2. Non-sponsored NMT research that is:
    1. Human subject research
    2. Vertebrate animal subject research
    3. Research funded by a formal award from internal NMT sources based on submission of a proposal


Investigators are defined as:

The principal investigator (PI), the co-principal investigator and any other person (including faculty, staff and students) who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of NMT research. Any individual responsible for a task that could have a significant effect on the research design, conduct or reporting is considered to be an investigator, even if the individual does not have sole or primary responsibility for the task or the research.


For further details and specific disclosure requirements for Conflicts of Interest

Contact: Sheila O’Sullivan -

or visit: Conflicts of Interest page

Basic CITI Course Requirements:

NMT Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Curriculum: You will want to select the "NMT" courses for your role:

  • NMT Students/Postdocs
  • NMT PI's

NMT Export Control Curriculum: You will want to select the " NMT" courses for your role:

  • NMT PIs
  • NMT Admins

NMT Conflict of Interest Curriculum: You will want to select the " NMT" courses for your role:

  • NMT PIs
  • NMT Admins

NMT Human Subject Research Curriculum: You will want to select the " NMT" courses for your role:

  •  NMT PIs
  •  NMT Social-Behavioral-Educational Researchers
  •  NMT Students/Postdocs
  •  NMT IRB Members

BioSafety Specific CITI Course Requirements:

NMT BioSafety Curriculum: You will want to select the " NMT" courses for your role:

  • NMT PI
  • NMT Students & Techs
  • NMT IACUC Community member
  • NMT IACUC Chair
  •  NMT IO

For further details, additional resources, or updated requirements for RECR/RCR training contact:

Research Compliance Officer: Val Thomas -